Lawrenceville’s Prelude to the 4th
Lawrenceville’s Prelude to the 4th
Come out and support Cope for Judge at the Lawrenceville Prelude to 4th of July Celebrations
Come out and support Cope for Judge at the Lawrenceville Prelude to 4th of July Celebrations
Come out and support Cope for Judge at the 2018 Red and White Boom in Norcross, Georgia
Celebrate the 4th of July with Cope for Judge at the Star Spangled Snellville
Come out and support Cope for Judge at the Lilburn 4th of July Celebrations
Come out and support Cope for Judge at the Braselton July 4th Celebration
Join Cope for Judge for the Mall of Georgia Star Spangled Fourth
Canvassing with Cope For Judge Please join us in spreading the word @copeforjudge #copeforejudge #justiceforall. Volunteers are welcomed!
Canvass for Cope at Dacula city hall Please join us in spreading the word @copeforjudge #copeforejudge #justiceforall. Volunteers are welcomed!
Phone Bank for Cope Help Us Reach Out to Voters Help make History in Gwinnett County!
Canvass for Cope Join us to spread the word about Veronica Cope for Gwinnett County Superior Court Judge JUSTICE FOR ALL #justiceforall @copeforjudge
Hear from Cope For Judge at the Gwinnett NAACP Community Engagement Coalition - Special Election Forum Please come out and join! We need your support!! Twitter: @gwinnett_NAACP Instagram: gwinnett_naacp
Meet Veronica Cope Sunday July 22nd in Buford, Georgia Location provided upon RSVP at
Grab a SIGN and WAVE for COPE We need your SUPPORT! We will be present at various locations throughout Gwinnett County. Volunteer with Cope for Judge
Phone Banking Party & Volunteer Roundup Monday July 23rd, 2018 Fire Station Number 31 1061 Collins Hill Rd, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 #justiceforall @copeforjudge
Volunteer Roundup and Appreciation This journey would not be possible without our VOLUNTEERS. This event is to show my appreciation to each and every Volunteer involved in my campaign.